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Best Practices and Tips

Best Practices and Tips
There are always little tips to help you as a user get the most out our system. Below you will find some tips to help
Web Browsers: The most compatible web browsers when accessing your account
1. Google Chrome
2. Mozilla Firefox
*With any web browser make sure to keep it updated with any new version that comes out.

*If using Safari or Internet Explorer you may run into compatibility issues, we strongly suggest using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for the best user experience

*If you currently use a browser version that is not listed above we suggest upgrading your existing browser or switching to a new browser.

*When accessing your account, do not log into multiple tabs in your Web Browser with the same login credentials on the same computer. This could cause saving and navigation issues.
*When using the any of the search fields, start with a ‘broad’ search. For example when searching a property.  Start with the street number, then you can refine the search. The street address could be 123 Main Lane but you may search 123 Main St. and this could skew the results. Start with 123 Main and see what results appear. You can then narrow the search after the results appear.
*Whenever you are entering information whether it is a property, note, task, website make sure to hit ‘Save’ after entering the information before navigating to another area of the system
*Importing Contacts and Properties: start with a basic list to get the feel to see what fields we have available that you can import information into.
*Leadpipes: there is a download limit of 1000 leads per download
*Direct Mail: When entering your information into the Phone Number field, there is a character limit of 21.
- Characters include spaces, dashes, letters, and parenthesis.
*Property File: when creating a property file, when typing in the address make sure to start with just the house number and the name of the street. If the address is not exact to the Public records it will not pull that information automatically. For example: 123 Main Street, in the Public records it might show 123 Main St. and it would not pull the info. because it is not exact so start with the house number and street name and look in the drop down menu of properties to see if your property is listed.
*Power Linked Users cannot create new property and contact files.  They can only be 'linked' to existing files.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Josh Tobias

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
