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Task Manager/Calendar

Learn how to use the Task Manager to stay focused on the task at hand. The Tasks section allows you to add/edit/delete specific tasks for yourself or other team members on your account. Also, stay organized and sync your Calendar with Google Calendar or Outlook.

  • Tasks- Creating a Task

    There are various areas to create tasks within your account for yourself and other Team Members on the account. There are 3 areas you can access Tasks. 1.    Within a Contact File [img src="https://r...

  • Tasks- Manage Tasks

    To manage your tasks and other users tasks in your account go to the Tasks section under Manage in the side navigation. [img src="

  • Calendar - Setting an Appointment

    Below are the steps to create an appointment on your Calendar 1.    Go into the Calendar from the manage drop down in the side navigation  [img src="

  • Calendar - Linking Calendar to Google or Outlook

    Calendar- Linking your Calendar to Google or Outlook You are now able to sync your Calendar with Google Calendar or Outlook.   **Outlook syncs once every hour. **Google syncs 1-2 times per day 1.  ...