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Paperless Office Overview

The Paperless Office consists of 3 items to help you save time.

First is the merge forms functionality. Merge forms will allow you to upload your documents and Realeflow will automatically merge information into the specified areas of the documents saving you from having to manually enter in that information.

Learn how to Merge HERE

Second, is the Generate HUD-1 feature.  Realeflow will merge the information for the property onto the HUD-1  automatically.  You can then download the HUD-1 to have a hard copy or fill out the rest of the information once it becomes available.

The third feature within the paperless office is the Generate Offer Package.   Once you have all of your documentation ready upload it into Realeflow.  Next you can build a Offer package.  Simply assign the documents to each area of the offer package and Realeflow will take the multiple documents and combine them into one document for easy faxing, emailing, or printing.

Learn how to Generate an Offer Package HERE

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  1. Josh Tobias

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
