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Combining Columns on your Import list

When importing a list into a Direct Mail Campaign, you will notice on the template Column 'A' is for the Recipient Name. This means you will include both First & Last Name in Column 'A'.

Click HERE if you need the template

If your list has a column for 'First Name' and a separate column for 'Last Name'. You will need to  combine these columns before pasting them into the template.  Below are the steps that will walk you through the process of combining the columns on your spreadsheet.

Step 1: On your original file/document, create a new column and label it "recipient name".

Step 2: On the new column created, type in the formula =CONCATENATE(A2,” “,B2) and press enter.  (There is a space between the two " (quotation marks))

* * PLEASE NOTE: You MUST type the formula.  This will not work if you Copy and Paste the formula.

Step3: Copy the result of the above cell (Ctrl C) and then paste it (Ctrl V) on the descending cells below.

Step 4: Once done, copy the column, excluding the header name.

Step 5: Paste onto the list import template, under column A "Recipient Name".

Step 6: It may initially say invalid cell reference. You then need to highlight the pasted column (not including the header name "RecipientName") right click and under paste options select 123 or Values V and this would show the full name.

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  1. Josh Tobias

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  3. Updated
