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Repair Estimator - FAQ

Are prices displayed for my local market?

A. Default prices are a national average. However you can edit the prices for your local market and set those prices as your defaults. To see how to set your defaults click HERE

Where can I find the prices for my market?

A. The best way to find prices for your local market is to either talk to a contractor in your area or talk to the Pros at the help deck at the hardware store.

Do I have to update the prices for every estimate I create?

A. No you can set all of your own defaults so every time you create an estimate you’ll be using the prices from your market. To see how to set your defaults click HERE

Can I add repairs to an estimate?

A. Yes you can add repairs to your defaults OR add on the fly as you are creating your estimate

Can I create more than 1 estimate for a property?

A. Yes you can create as many as you would like

Do I need a property file to create an estimate?

A. No. You can either create from within a property file or create without a property. If you create an estimate without a property you can always link the estimate to a property after you have created it

How accurate are these estimates?

A. The best way to insure the accuracy of the estimate is to be sure you are using updated prices for your market. The default prices provided are a national average and may be different in your market.

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  1. Josh Tobias

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
