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Rehab Planner - FAQ

Are these estimates current prices for items?

A. The prices that will populate are the prices listed on You can adjust pricing to your market when creating an estimate. Here’s a walk through of how to create a Rehab Plan

How do I change the numbers to match market prices?

A) You can create ‘Favorites’ to include prices in your market or update the prices as you are creating a Rehab Plan

Can I combine the repair estimator and rehab planner together?

A) There is not a way to combine these 2.  However, because you can keep all of the details within 1 file, they will be easy to work with.

Can I only use home depot items or can I use items from other websites?

A) You can use items from any where.  You can either enter them as you are creating a new plan or create a favorite to make it easy to use for all your Plans. 

Here's a walk through the steps of creating a favorite.

I have already created a plan, can I reuse it?

A) Yes, you can duplicate your plans.

Can I create a report?

A) Yes, you can easily create a Scope of Work (SOW) for any rehab project.

Why are some items not working from the Home Depot website within my SOW using their internet number?

A) You may see this from time to time.  This is due to updates HD updating things and occasionally items are not formatted properly. When you see this, you can enter the details manually.

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  1. Josh Tobias

  2. Posted
